Friday, March 27, 2020

2020 ' Virtual Passover ' option !

Blessings Brethren !

As we all forge forward during these uncertain times, we wish you Health and Happiness in  Yeshua Messiah. Our very fervent endeavor to provide the necessary 'Spiritual Manna' necessary for 'Such a Time as This' has certainly been enhanced by our Jewish guides and mentors, Messianic Rabbi Henry Morse from Sha'ar Hashamayim , AND Mitch Forman of Chosen People Ministries .

Baruch HaShem ! ' The strength of Jew & Gentile working in Joint Priesthood with  KINGDOM FIRST hearts in Messiah Yeshua, are TOGETHER edifying one another to a Fulfillment necessary to more effectively ' provoke the Jew to jealousy. '

Please Check Back for our Shabbat Post Tomorrow Afternoon !

By SUNDAY we will have a weekly schedule of Inter-Active Bible Studies


YouTube Video Messages throughout this Season of Feast Preparation

Our Friends at Chosen People Ministries

Have Made Available the Following


Dear Rev. William,

Because of the state of current events, we are launching our first ever Virtual Passover Seder! We are very excited about this new venture and look forward to celebrating this feast with you. Dr. Mitch Glaser will host and lead you through this wonderful feast of the Lord which honors Jesus as our Passover Lamb.

So gather your family around and join us for a time of celebration, rejoicing and some good food—to your taste!

We will send a preparation list so that you can have the full experience in the comfort of your own home. Purchase these items safely (check out grocery delivery options, and of course—social distancing when shopping in person) and also feel free to get creative if you can’t obtain certain items.

So save the date!
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 7 pm EST
Hosted by Dr. Mitch Glaser

RSVP today by visiting We will provide you access to the Seder after you RSVP.

“See” you soon!

In Messiah,

Chosen People Ministries

( you will notice, there IS an RSVP !,.... create your own 'Watch Party' ! )

We'll keep posting 'Fulfilling Feast Video's and Inter-Active Bible Studies by Monday !

Keep The Faith ! / Keep The Feast !

shabbat-shalom-torah - Tzur Yisrael / Rock of Israel Messianic ...


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