Shalom Dear Family in Yeshua Maschiach ,
What an absolutely Beautiful Day in The Kingdom ! , ..... Barch HaShem , (Praise G_d) For with Country Re-Opening Announcements spreading, the 'Season Changing' Hearts of Men have contemplated their ' Salvation Journeys ' and are now LOOKING For MORE ! And indeed men are longing for Re-Alignment with the FULLNESS of our Bible Message by 'completing' their Biblical Knowledge Sets through Re-Familiarizing themselves through ReClaiming the Jewish Roots of our Faith in Yeshua / Jesus. AMEYN !!! ...................... There is SO !, SO!, SO! MUCH MORE !
Below PLEASE find a wonderful opportunity provided by our Brothers at CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES and our Brother Mr. Mitch Forman. I believe that ' JOINING THIS FREE WEBINAR ' is a Great Opportunity to gain depth to our dire efforts to UNITE Jew and Gentile and better 'Prepare Ourselves' to ' EFFECTIVELY ' carry out our Directive to attain FULLNESS by reaching Out to our JEWISH BROTHERS with Adonai's 'Originally Intended Fullness' which would be understandable to BOTH Jew & Gentile, ... ' IF ' ... examined in it's ' ORIGINAL CONTEXT and FULLNESS. '
If I may Humbly ASK, ..... ' WOULD YOU PLEASE ALLOW US to BLESS YOU ' by SHARING this Important Learning Opportunity WITH US ?
A Feeling which I believe is reminiscent to Rav. Shaul has 'completely' Overcome Me ! and I Feel DESPERATE to SHARE the FULLNESS With YOU !
........... Paul's Concern for the Jews
…2I have deep sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my own flesh and blood, 4the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory and the covenants; theirs the giving of the law, the temple worship, and the promises.…
" There's SO Much MORE ! , Bless me and allow me to SHARE this Profound FULLNESS "
Change The Hearts of Men with HIS Fullness !
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