Blessings EveryOne !
I SO love the Jewish Feast of Shavuot, or as many Christians still call it, ... Pentacost. Either way, What a Blessing indeed to live with access to the Holy Spirit ( Ruach HaKodesh ) of Adonai Himself!
The very special 'WAY' that Shavuot is a 'Culmination' of the interlocking Spring Feasts, ... as 'originally' set forth by our creator Adonai speaks to the breadth and depth of Kingdom Plan comprehension available to all, ....... all whom RECLAIM the JEWISHNESS of the Bible.
Next SUNDAY, JUNE 7th from 11-4 as our New Messianic Congregation 'Re-Gathers' for the first time along with 'MANY' of our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters for a 'Day of Messianic Manna' here in beautiful York Maine !
SCROLL DOWN TO PREVIOUS POST FOR FURTHER DETAILS. But, in short, Jews & Gentiles will gather in the Spirit of ONE NEW MAN, in Shavuot themed Worship, followed by Fellowship, Worship Music, BBQ, Lawn Games, etc.... PLEASE COME ! ... details below. ' It's a New Kingdom Era ! ' ,......... the beginning of the Kingdom Era when Jew & Gentile ' Once and For All ' UNITE ' in the purity of our faith. A Re-Alignment which will enable the complimentary 'FULLNESS' needed to provoke the doubters of the Jewish man known as YESHUA !
Chag Shavuot Sameach !
Chag Shavuot Sameach – Happy Shavuot!
Today is day 49 of the Omer, and the fiftieth day, beginning this evening, is Shavuot, the Festival of Harvest. Please join in as we bring our counting of the Omer to completion by gathering an offering to be shared equally between the ongoing work of the Union and Chaim beShefa, providing humanitarian support to the poorest and most vulnerable women in Israel.
In this brief video Anat Brenner tells a moving story of redemption through the work of Chaim beShefa in Israel. |
On this day our ancestors received the Torah on Mount Sinai and on this day centuries later the followers of Yeshua received the Spirit poured out from on high. As we celebrate these two gifts today, may we continue to receive them in our lives, growing steadily in the Word through the power of the Spirit.
Chag Shavuot Sameach!
Rabbi Russ |
Tonight is TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT, all-night Torah study in honor of Shavuot.
It's traditional to stay up all night studying the Torah on Erev Shavuot, in celebration of the anniversary of the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. This year we'll gather together from our laptops and living rooms to enjoy interactive study with an impressive lineup of Messianic Jewish rabbis, scholars, and Torah teachers. The event kicks off at 7 PM Eastern with an hour for children and runs ALLLLLLL through the night until 7 AM Eastern.
Registration is now FULL and closed. If you were unable to register, plan to tune in on Facebook Live beginning at 8 PM Eastern. (Because of privacy concerns, the children's session will not be on Facebook Live.)
Still on lockdown? Attend a Messianic synagogue virtually!
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