Blessings in Yeshua Maschiach !
As we approach this Kingdom Season of Re-Alignment and Unity within His church, we present the following message as 'The Messianic Manna' necessary to stay ' Full of His Light ' as we continue along this epidemic and Path of uncertainty. Please Enjoy, ..... AND, B On the LookOut for this weeks BIG SHAVUOT / PENTACOST Announcement for RE-Gathering in Worship !
Be Blessed ! With a Word from Jews for Jesus

As the pandemic continues to dominate the world’s attention, there’s no accurate way to predict when things will return to “normal.” Last month I wrote to you about “Sheltering in Yeshua.” He is our “normal.” That’s not to say our lives as believers aren’t disrupted by the pandemic. I won’t pretend we are immune from losses or stress-causing uncertainties. We don’t have to act like that we feel fine in those moments when we are low, or scared, or overwhelmed. The Psalms are filled with laments as well as praises, and we have the freedom to express all the things the psalmists expressed. But the feelings they expressed were in the midst of, and not instead of, trusting God.
We can pay close attention to what is happening in the world, while paying even closer attention to God’s promises and His plans.
We don’t know when the virus will end, but we know that God still has work for us in the meantime – and that can bring a much needed sense of normalcy. We can pay close attention to what is happening in the world, while paying even closer attention to God’s promises and His plans, neither of which have changed. We all have a part in God’s work, regardless of our employment status. And the work really is a privilege. We get to collaborate with His transforming work in our own lives by surrendering to His purposes day by day and moment by moment. And even during times of social distancing, we can still take part in His great commission, sharing His life-giving message of salvation with others, through whatever lines of communication we still have.
This month my article is about reaping and sowing. I didn’t know we would be in this difficult season when I wrote that article, but I’m comforted by the normalcy of reaping and sowing gospel seed during this time, and I hope you will be, too. Next month’s newsletter will share with you how Jews for Jesus teams have been ministering amidst the pandemic. Be watching for that June quarterly!
I’ll leave you with a verse that has been the theme of our children and youth camps for decades. I don’t think any of us will ever outgrow it:
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
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