Monday, October 19, 2020

Stewarding our RIGHT and 'RESPONSIBILITY' to VOTE !


The Godly stewardship of our Responsibility to VOTE must include the Data necessary to make an 'INFORMED' decision. The 'information' below seems to


Being the change we want to see in the world currently equates to becoming informed of Reality, and actually 'Getting OFF the Couch' and VOTING.

Is anyone but me 'stunned' that  Evangelical Americans as a whole, talks a whole lot about the VOTE, B-U-T, doesn't seem to be able to make it to the Town Hall to push that Magic Button ?

It's ALL on the Line folks, ... Consider Yourself 



Thank You to our Favorite Brother WRITER, Mark Alan Leslie for this Critical Kingdom Information.

Visit 'Thrill of the Quill' !

Here are the highlights of the Democratic platform for 2020, fact-checked from their web site (above).
How can we NOT get wholly behind this, I ask?
*Universal healthcare and Medicaid for all Americans and illegal aliens. (Pg 61)
*$15 minimum wage.
*Immediate citizenship for illegals. (Pg 63)
*Free college. (Pg 65)
*Forgiveness of student loans. (Pg 71)
*Eliminate border walls and Immigration Enforcement. (Pg 62, 64 & 65)
*Make Washington D.C. the 51st State.
*Abortion for “all women & girls.” (Pg 83)
*$70 trillion Green New Deal, where the USA would be “net-zero greenhouse gas by 2050.”  But CLOSE all coal & natural gas power plants by 2035. By 2030 all new construction in the USA must be net-zero greenhouses.
*Create a U.S. Agency for Global Media “to ensure that only accurate information is reported in the news or on the internet.”
*Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.
*Create a new federal agency of 100,000 people to trace every American.
*Immediately restore voting rights for convicted felons.
*Provide funding to facilitate vote-from-home and mail-in-voting.
*Create a new Federal Credit Bureau (to replace Equafax, et al), and require banks to use this new credit reporting service that will be set up to assist low-income people in buying houses and cars.
*Make gun manufacturers responsible and liable for how their guns are used. (Destroy gun manufacturing)
*Declare and treat drug use as a mental illness instead of an illegal activity.
*Declare the support for the Rights of BLM, Multi-gender, and preferential treatment for gays wanting to immigrate to America. (Pg 63)

Thank you for your consideration when voting!

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