Monday, March 13, 2023

Acts 2:17, ... Must Read & Watch !

 Shalom Aleichem and Blessings FriendZ !

Although I had fully intended to POST on this past weekend's BLESSING of a 'Standing Room Only' Purim Party, ... The Lord has fully convicted me that 'TIME' as we may know it is indeed   HIS. It would appear The Lord has convicted me to ' APPROPRIATE and SHARE '  His   blessings !

Although I'm not sure if it's ever 'Come Awash' over me quite to this extent, I feel compelled of the Ruach Ha Kodesh ... ( Holy Spirit ) to share the following post with you TODAY. To be honest with you, ... I'm not really sure how this all came together with the sense of 'Kingdom Urgency' that it did and still does, ... though I pray fervently that it may BLESS YOU in some small way !

For some reason, perhaps the 'OVERWHELMING SPIRITUAL FULLNESS' felt while simply coming across the following post content while doing research for upcoming sermons,


(please stop back tomorrow for a POST on this weekend's Very Blessed Purim Party !)

A 'FORBIDDEN' Chapter in the Tanach !  ........ huh ?

The Tanakh, (Old Testament) is highly esteemed in Judaism as it contains the Word of God, the history of Israel, and God’s prophecy for the future. Yet, one chapter is ignored to the point of being considered forbidden by rabbis. This chapter used to be read in synagogues as part of the Haftarah, readings from the Prophets after the Torah reading in a Jewish service.

Highly respected Jewish writings view this single chapter as a prophecy of the coming Messiah, but it has been removed from the Haftarah. Why? When Israel is still waiting for their Messiah, why would a prominent chapter prophesying about Him be excised from the Jewish faith?

What is the Forbidden Chapter of the Tanakh?

Isaiah 53.

One of the mistakes Believers make about Jewish people is presuming they have extensive knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures. However, the average Jewish person may know little more than what they hear in synagogue each Sabbath. Some, like many Christians, only attend services on the two major holidays in the year, which for Jewish people are Passover and Yom Kippur.

See what happens when Jewish people on the street hear the prophecies of Isaiah 53 and come to understand that the Messiah would suffer, be rejected, and killed. The interviewer does a beautiful job of getting some interviewees to explain in their own words the meaning of Isaiah 53’s passages. He goes on to present Scriptures from all over the Tanakh that reveal not only prophecies of the Messiah, but each person’s individual need for what the Messiah offers.   ............. ETERNAL SALVATION in HIM !

You’ll be surprised at the responses when people are finally asked, “Do you know anyone in history who fulfills these prophecies?”

Key passages mentioned in this video can help you share the Gospel through the Old Testament. Aside from Isaiah 53, some of them include: Ezekiel 18:4, Daniel 12:2, Daniel 9, Micah 5, and Isaiah 49.

Please Watch this 10 min. inspiring video, and please, continue to pray for the Jewish people to come to know their Messiah.


Please come back 'Wednesday' for Part 2

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