Friday, September 6, 2024

A Powerful Prayer to Start the Day with Psalm 27 and Lewis

Shabbat Shalom, FriendZ !

As we have just entered the Hebrew month of Elul, ... we contemplate our inward retrospection toward our walk with our Elohim, ... prior to the arrival of HaShem's most glorious month of TISHREI, the 7th month and the High Holy Days. Amein !

So as we introspect our hearts and souls, it is said that    ' The KING is in the Field '. Indeed, every biblical year the Jews cite the point that ' The King is in the Field' and ' Close at Hand ' to receive Prayers and Repentance . ... this all being in line with their belief that 'The Book of Life' opens each Yom Teruah or Rosh Hashana.         We cleanse our souls for the hope of being included in this Book of Life for another Year.

Yes, ... our Lord has blessed us with a faith of Preparation & Engagement with both Him and one another.

As believers in Yeshua/Jesus, we realize that Yeshua fulfilled the Spring Feasts in Prophetic succinctness. We additionally realize that the FALL FEAST SEASON prophetically cites Yeshua's second advent in fulfillment of these Final Feasts.

One of the Hebrew traditions during this Holy Season is to recite the 27th Psalm each day during the month of Elul, in preparation to receive our King, whom indeed is in the Field !

Enjoy this very timely video from C.S. Lewis. I believe you will find it fulfilling and oh so appropriate for the season at Hand.
BlessingZ !

I pray you all may have viewed my last short video (posted below this ) regarding the DESPERATE NEED to ' STAND & CONTEND ' for the dignity of our ability to walk out our Faith here in these once United States of America. 

A Country whose founding PATRIOTS formed a Biblically Centered Democracy with thought and reflection to our Faith's PATRIARCHS is in Grave Danger !

Please consider Standing with Us as we create a FIRE for our FAITH and Reclaim the Biblical Morality of this Nation's PATRIOTS & PATRIARCHS at our coming



Oct. 5th & 6th

(info in post below this )

(This means just below the Christian Civic league News below)

we are seeking crafters, Artists & Artisans )


Please Join Us 4 Shabbat/Sabbath Services

'Celebrate in Jew/Gentile Fullness'


(come hungry as we have Oneg/Fellowship Pot-Luck as the culmination of Christ based Kingdom Fellowship)

we meet at:


542 Haley Road

Kittery Point, Maine

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