Thursday, September 26, 2024

ALERT ! ... I Beg your quick indulgence to an Announcement.

Shalom and Blessings !

Blessings to ALL !

It is with a very Heavy heart that I must humbly ANNOUNCE the need to CXL our PATRIOTS & PATRIARCHS  Seacoast Block Party. PLEASE know the evil circumstances were way outside my control or influence.

What seems to be ungodly Spiritual Warfare has attacked our effort to Gather in the name of our LORD, and to 'Start a Fire' for our Messiah here in the Seacoast Region. We have met with what seems to me, to be nothing but ungodly actions of others outside the Team of Patriot & Patriarch volunteers and Volunteer organizations, and it's participants. Unfortunately, the effort to Stand must be rethought out.

There was unfortunately a ( Conflict of Interest to the 'PATRIOTIC and  PATRIARCHAL' values of our Venue and schedule ) evil has reared his ugly head and here we are.

Although Jude in 1:3 tells US to "Stand and Contend" ... we must see that the evil one will blind the eye's toward His righteousness.
( Evil will certainly 'Stand and Contend' at this late hour, ... and this was the noble cause to Gather Against His name by you know who ! )

Many of you know that I have a pending Aortic Reconstruction approaching. A small part of this well planned networked event for our Nations's Patriots and Patriarchs speaks loudly to where we are in our Lord's Kingdom Plan. This Event was inspired in an all out effort to grow and perhaps financially prepare our growing congregation in of 'Believing Jews and Gentiles'  while being taken out of commission after my Open Heart Surgery. 

This effort in putting this event together has indeed caused financial suffering to both my Family and our Congregation. I so fervently PRAY that this hasn't caused you also, a Financial loss !  I do know that this has cost you all ' Time ' in our effort to Gather as One Body and Serve. I am embarrassed and broken hearted to tell you all of this at this very LATE date. Please forgive me. Your 'chesed' participation in trying to bring this event forward has been a beautiful thing to behold. I AM SO SORRY !

INDEED ! , the Evil One doesn't want to see the 'ONE NEW MAN' of one heart, one mind, one accord. This would mean that his days are numbered, and our Lord's return is soon ! He doesn't want to see JOHN 17 UNITY !

 (I guess all we need to do is to take a good look around this broken country and world )

Indeed sometimes we NEED to STAND, yet as history shows, many hearts avoid a 'recall to righteousness' as LIFE is HARD when we migrate from His Way and Blessing. Change is HARD, as we can see with the Israelites. Why is it that we resist change and the Righteous Return to the Goodness of  the Patriots & Patriarchs of our Nation and the Fullness of our Judeo-Christian Faith !

I will indeed call each of you personally to apologize. I thought it prudent to NOTIFY you ASAP, and here I killed many birds with one stone in an effort to get this to EACH of YOU immediately at this late date.

Part of this event IS STILL ON ! ... LIKELY the MOST Important portion. The portion of our Event with the 10 DAYS od PRAYER World Partnership Initiative which MOURNS the SOON RETURN of MESSIAH !

If you are willing to Pray for Kingdom Healing, John 17 Unity, and the Soon Return of our Messiah
YESHUA/JESUS, PLEASE CLICK the LINK BELOW. Please also note that although the Venue Location will need to be changed, it will not be far from it's originally slated location.

In the season where 'The KING is in the FIELD' approaching the High Holy Days, which Prophesy His return, ... We will highlight at the close of each short evening with unified ONE NEW MAN Prayer in our SUKKAH/ BOOTH. Let us Gather in Prayer for a Soon 'WEDDING PARTY' with our Messiah.

I would humbly ask that you shoot me a quick reply/email at that I might know you have been notified of this unfortunateness.

I will be calling each of you personally over the next 48 hours !

God Bless You and Keep You AlwayZ ... During these darkening days.



Oct. 2nd to Oct. 12th

How 'God-Incidental' and 'Scripturally Timely' is it
that the International 420 City Unified Prayer Initiative
of our brother, Jonathan Frizz,
which 'Mourns the Soon Return of Messiah'
occurs between

Come Pray with Believing Jews & Non-Jews
each or any evening at 6 PM form Oct. 2nd thru Oct. 12th
with Seacoast Area Pastors coming together in Prayer.

Indeed, just as Yeshua/Jesus prophetically filled His Spring Feasts,
Fall Feasts upon His Soon Return !


Come Pray with an array of Seacoast Area Pastors !

Join us Night 1 - Monday,oct. 7th at 6 PM
( experience an Acts Church Celebration of Feast of Trumpets prior to the 10 Days Prayer Kickoff)

(Join a 'one new man'  Feast of Yom Kippur on Day 1o, Oct 12th at 6 PM)

Pray as a unified body in our 'SUKKAH' / Tabernacle Each evening


(Pastoral Prayer Night Lineup forthcoming)

PLEEZ Stop back here, or sign up for Blog post updates

God bless you and keep you


  1. Be well brother in Yeahua's mighty name. Truly our God reigns and will prevail within the chosen who overcome by the blood and the word of testimony. Maranatha!

  2. Bless You and your wonderful words of encouragement ! ... Im humbled.
