Shalom Dear Family in Yeshua Maschiach ,
What an absolutely Beautiful Day in The Kingdom ! , ..... Barch HaShem , (Praise G_d) For with Country Re-Opening Announcements spreading, the 'Season Changing' Hearts of Men have contemplated their ' Salvation Journeys ' and are now LOOKING For MORE ! And indeed men are longing for Re-Alignment with the FULLNESS of our Bible Message by 'completing' their Biblical Knowledge Sets through Re-Familiarizing themselves through ReClaiming the Jewish Roots of our Faith in Yeshua / Jesus. AMEYN !!! ...................... There is SO !, SO!, SO! MUCH MORE !
Below PLEASE find a wonderful opportunity provided by our Brothers at CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES and our Brother Mr. Mitch Forman. I believe that ' JOINING THIS FREE WEBINAR ' is a Great Opportunity to gain depth to our dire efforts to UNITE Jew and Gentile and better 'Prepare Ourselves' to ' EFFECTIVELY ' carry out our Directive to attain FULLNESS by reaching Out to our JEWISH BROTHERS with Adonai's 'Originally Intended Fullness' which would be understandable to BOTH Jew & Gentile, ... ' IF ' ... examined in it's ' ORIGINAL CONTEXT and FULLNESS. '
If I may Humbly ASK, ..... ' WOULD YOU PLEASE ALLOW US to BLESS YOU ' by SHARING this Important Learning Opportunity WITH US ?
A Feeling which I believe is reminiscent to Rav. Shaul has 'completely' Overcome Me ! and I Feel DESPERATE to SHARE the FULLNESS With YOU !
…2I have deep sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my own flesh and blood, 4the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory and the covenants; theirs the giving of the law, the temple worship, and the promises.…
" There's SO Much MORE ! , Bless me and allow me to SHARE this Profound FULLNESS "
Change The Hearts of Men with HIS Fullness !
Dear Rev. William,
Whether you are familiar with Dr. Craig Keener or this is your first introduction to his work, we are delighted to announce an upcoming Bible webinar with the professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminiary.
Well-known for his research on the Jewish and Greco-Roman context of the New Testament, Dr. Keener will join us for a two-day online seminar to teach us more about the Jewish context of key books and passages of the Bible. It will be a wonderful teaching series that you will not want to miss! Take note of the days below, and we hope you can join us!
Dr. Keener is the author of twenty-eight books—six of which have won book awards in Christianity Today. Altogether, more than one million copies are in circulation. His IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (1993), now in its second revised edition (2014), has sold more than a half million copies, including editions in several languages and more than fifty thousand copies in Korean.
This is a FREE seminar. However, registration is required in order to receive your link to the livestream. So, please anticipate a wonderful time of learning and enrichment—and do not wait! Register TODAY!
We look forward to seeing you there!
In Messiah, Chosen People Ministries |
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