Tonight begins the fourth week of Counting the Omer. We continue our Scripture readings with selections from Ketuvim, the Holy Writings, concluding with two selections from the Book of Ruth.
Ruth is the traditional reading for Shavuot, our goal as we count the Omer. There are numerous reasons for the Ruth-Shavuot connection, and one is particularly fitting for our theme of "An Open Hand." Shavuot celebrates the grain harvest and that's the setting for Ruth's story. She is poor, widowed, a foreigner, and the Torah provides for her by giving the corners of the grain fields to the gleaners. Those in need can gather up what's left behind. Boaz, a wealthy landowner, adds his own generosity to the Lord's generosity, to ensure that Ruth has plenty--and he gets rewarded in the end.
You'll have to read the whole story at Shavuot (if not sooner), but there's a lesson for us: The person who blesses others will prosper, often in unexpected ways.
To bless others as we count the Omer we set aside a dollar each day for the Shavuot offering on Day 50. This offering will be shared with Chaim beShefa, providing humanitarian aid and support to the poorest and most vulnerable women in Israel.
Download our beautiful print-at-home Omer calendar to follow along with your family. As we count the days, set aside our offering, and meditate on the Scriptures below, may we participate in God's own generosity!
Day 22: April 30/May 1
For the poor will not always be forgotten
or the hope of the needy perish forever. – Psalm 9:19
Day 23: May 1/2
Give justice to the weak and fatherless!
Uphold the rights of the wretched and poor!
Rescue the destitute and needy;
deliver them from the power of the wicked! – Psalm 82:3–4
Day 24: May 2/3
The person who blesses others will prosper;
he who satisfies others will be satisfied himself. – Proverbs 11:25
Day 25: May 3/4
He who is generous is blessed, because he shares his food with the poor. – Proverbs 22:9
Day 26: May 4/5
She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. – Proverbs 31:20
Day 27: May 5/6
When Ruth got up to glean, Bo‘az ordered his young men, “Let her glean even among the sheaves themselves, without making her feel ashamed. In fact, pull some ears of grain out from the sheaves on purpose. Leave them for her to glean, and don’t rebuke her.” – Ruth 2:15–16
Day 28: May 6/7
Then Ruth added, “He gave me these six measures of barley; because he said to me, ‘You shouldn’t return to your mother-in-law with nothing.’” – Ruth 3:17
All Scripture references are from Complete Jewish Bible (CJB).
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